Meet Heather
I’m Heather Deeley—an underdog fan, people lifter and a creative problem solver who empowers clients through science, humor and empathy. I’m here to help you transform your dog, rabbit or cat so you can bring out the best in your companion.
I've always been drawn to help the underdogs—those most often overlooked and needing guidance. Sometimes the underdog is YOU, struggling to understand your animal. Not only have I worked with animals who have multiple behavioral issues, I have also lived with them. So I know what it's like to be in your shoes!
Here are some things to help you get to know me:
I’ve chosen to support the regulation of the dog training industry by becoming a Certified Professional Dog Trainer through the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers. As a CPDT, I use only science-based, humane methods to address anything from basic training to fear and aggression. CPDTs are required to pass a proctored exam and must pursue continuing education each year.
I started my behavior career in 2004 at The Humane Society of Broward County, where I ran the Behavior Helpline, counseling hundreds of people each year over the phone with dog, cat and rabbit behavior issues. I taught puppy and basic obedience classes, and presented behavior classes to the public.
In 2013, I began taking private clients doing in-home training and behavior modification sessions. I have worked with several rescue organizations and shelters in South Florida as a trainer, behavior consultant, instructor and temperament evaluator.
I've appeared on TV and given multiple presentations on dog, rabbit and cat behavior.
I teach Bunny Basics, a free rabbit care and behavior class I developed while on staff at The Humane Society of Broward County.
I volunteer for the Miami Veterinary Coalition's PUP E Spot program in Miami, teaching high school students how to train dogs the force-free way.
I’m a member of the Pet Professional Guild, which represents professionals who are committed to force-free training and animal care. When I train, I use motivation instead of intimidation. I am a firm believer that all animals should be treated with respect and compassion.
Since my amazing dog Ruby passed, I live with two adopted rabbits, Tula and Barry White.
I'm an amateur drummer and photographer, I love scuba and sky diving, and I'm a major Roxy Music fan.